First semester at Georgia Tech OMSCS

Since graduating from CSUMB, I found an amazing job at Okta and started grad school to get my MS in CS!

Human-Computer Interaction (CS 6570)

This course was intensive on reading and writing and really exercised my prior knowledge in psychology and cognition. We focused heavily on user-centered designs in evaluating and improving user interfaces. For my final project, I tackled the Nintendo Switch’s User Data Transfer Interface. My final paper and findings are summarized in the presentation below!

Video Game Design (CS 6457)

I intended to only take one course for my first semester since I also work full-time, but I have been wanting to learn about game design and Unity for quite some time. In this course, we had to complete a few milestone assignments to learn the basics about elements like physics and AI. The bulk of the class was then spent collaborating in teams to create a 3D platform game. My team created Overeaten, a game about a Chef who has come to an island in search of mystical ingredients that grant you super powers. These special abilities help Chef evade the island’s hungry creatures, the Monches, so he can reach the final area.

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